

THE ZEN SPACE Autumn 2024 Showcasexx

autumn night
brooms of goldenrod
furious in the wind

angry lovers
but listen . . . the spider begins
to spin its web

fading away
bottle green of the grass
autumn fog

saying goodbye
threads of Indian summer
join our hands

farm road
a peasant takes off his hat
by a tree shrine

bone-chilling wind
a bit more cayenne pepper
in the stew

THE ZEN SPACE Autumn 2024 Showcase
and haiga When I'm gone


mountain shed / górski szałas

mountain shed
through the leaky roof
half a moon 

górski szałas
przez dziurawy dach
pół księżyca

The 3rd Volunteer Anthology "bee here now, —small wonders! 2024" edited by Scott Mason

Many thanks to Theresa A. Cancro, THF Volunteer Appreciation Chair Member, and The Haiku Foundation Board of Directors for the brilliant idea of recognizing the contributions of volunteers to the Haiku Foundation. It is a great honor to be featured in the anthology for the third time. I thank the editors for their great effort in preparing this and previous editions. 


Summer nightfall / letni zmierzch

Summer nightfall
disputes in the hedges
quieten down

letni zmierzch
ucichają dysputy
w żywopłotach

National Literary Award for Naturalistic Poetry "Città di Castelbuono" V edition, Italy, 2024 - 3rd place. Commentary by Catarina Levato.


country Sunday / niedziela na wsi

Results of the 4th Raven International Haiku Contest (on the theme of “bicycle”), organized by the Dragutin Novak Open University, Ludbreg, Croatia, were announced on the occasion of the Meeting of Haiku Poets, held on June 8th, 2024 in Ludbreg, Croatia. My haiku was included in the printed Joint Collection.

country Sunday
in the church parking lot
bike by the bike

niedziela na wsi
na kościelnym parkingu
rower przy rowerze